Thief: The Sound of the Sword [2023]

Song of the Bandits [2023]
Song of the Bandits [2023]

Song of the Bandits, Bandit: The Sound of the Sword , Thief: The Sound of the Sword , Dojeog: Kalui Soli

Native Title:도적: 칼의 소리
Release Sep 22, 2023
Quality HD
Edit By Hoora Drama
Genre: Action, Thriller, Historical, Drama
Top CastsSeo Hyun, Kim Nam Gil, Yoo Jae Myung
CountrySouth Korea
{quality}=HD {episode}=Completed {year}=09{cc}

An action-packed melodrama set in the 1920s during the Japanese colonial period, depicting individuals who have lost their livelihoods fighting back for their families and colleagues, delivering a refreshing dose of hope and resilience.

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