Why Did You Come to My House [2022]

Soundtreck #1 [2022]
Soundtreck #1 [2022]

Soundtrack #1, Why Did You Come to My House , Soundtrack No. 1 , Soundtrack Number One , Soundtrack Number 1 , Saundeuteuraek #1 , Urijibe Wae Watni , 우리집에 왜 왔니

Native Title:사운드트랙#1
Release Mar 23, 2022
Quality HD
Edit By Hoora Drama
Genre: Music, Romance
Top CastsPark Hyung Sik, Han So Hee, Kim Joo Heon
CountrySouth Korea
{quality}=HD {episode}=Completed {year}=04{cc}

Yi Gon is the third Korean sovereign of his age. His residents view him as the ideal chief. In any case, behind this immaculate appearance, conceals a profound injury. At the point when he was eight years of age, his dad was killed before his eyes following an overthrow. Today, rather than regarding his dutiful obligation, he likes to get away from the royal residence to go to college meetings. During one of his capers, he sees himself impelled into an equal reality where he meets Jung Tae Eul, an overseer with whom he collaborates with to overcome the crooks yet additionally close the entryway between their two universes.

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