Doubtful Victory, Mysterious Il Seung , 의문의 1승 , Questionable Start , Oh, the Mysterious
Native Title:의문의 일승
Nov 27, 2017
Quality HD
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Hoora Drama
Thriller, Mystery, Romance, Drama
Top CastsJung Hye Sung, Yoon Kyun Sang, Jang Hyun Sung
CountrySouth Korea
A kid who staggered onto a mishap and detailed the wrongdoing turned into a killer, not an observer, because of the abuse of the law and lethargy for the benefit of the police. He squandered his childhood in jail, and the nation turned into a position of viciousness and boorishness. Presently, he needs to show that David choked Goliath to recover lost life, that fights could break way for new future, and that battles bring about scars, yet obvious triumph is estimated by recuperation as opposed to vindicate.