Seuteurimeo [2023]

Streamer [2023]
Streamer [2023]

Streamer, Seuteurimeo

Native Title:스트리머
Release May 10, 2023
Quality HD
Edit By Hoora Drama
Genre: Mystery, Horror
Top CastsKim Mo Bum, Lee Pu Reum, Kim Jun Hyung
CountrySouth Korea
{quality}=HD {duration}=1h 29m {year}=2023{cc}

A BJ who explored a deserted, abandoned building vanishes during a live broadcast. Streamers Mo Mo, Joon, Ta Koo, Jae Min, and Da Seul gather at the same building to uncover the mystery, only to discover that his broadcast was a carefully crafted masterpiece. Entering a place they should have avoided, they encounter an unimaginable fear that defies reality and from which there is no escape.

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